We are humbled to provide this new scholarship program to support undergraduate and graduate-level students and those in trade and vocational studies. We’re offering three $2,000 scholarships, which will be available for the Fall 2021 semester. We’re excited to get these scholarships started and look forward to providing them annually.
Application Open: May 1, 2021
Application Deadline: July 1, 2021, 11:59 PM, ET.
Award Notification: July 15, 2021
Award Disbursement: August 1, 2021
Review eligibility and FAQs
Write your Personal Statement
Submit the online application with all required documents before July 1, 2021, 11:59 PM, ET. deadline.
Review eligibility - To be considered for our RISE! Scholarship applicants must meet our general eligibility requirements as outlined below.
Applicant must be:
U.S. citizen age 18 or older as of the date of the application deadline.
Accepted to, enrolled in, or attending an accredited two-year, four-year, or graduate institution or trade/vocational school listed in the US Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs (https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home).
Must attend as a full-time student, as defined by their institution or trade program.
Required documents - Applicants must submit the following required documents no later than our program date/time deadline.
The online application requires two personal statements and a resume to include GPA.
FAQ: Eligibility
Do I need to be an E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center (EHCC) Member to be eligible?
Yes, to be eligible for a 2021-22 RISE! Scholarship, EHCC membership must be established no later than April 1, 2021, *UPDATE: Upon receipt of your scholarship application, you will automatically become an EHCC Membership for 2021. A reminder that membership is free for this year.
How many scholarships are available this year?
Three $2,000 Scholarships
Do I have to be a Hawai’i state resident to apply?
No, this application is open to all U.S. citizens.
Do I need to be of Hawaiian ancestry to apply?
No, this application is open to diverse ancestry.
FAQ: Online Application
I completed an application but did not receive a confirmation email. What do I do?
Please send an email to info@ealaehcc.org with questions regarding your application.
Can I make changes to my online application once it has been submitted?
Requests for edits can only be made (1) day before the application date/time deadline. Submit edit requests to info@ealahcc.org
I attached/uploaded the personal statement with my online application; how can I confirm that the attachment and application were complete?
If the confirmation statement is not sufficient, send an email to info@ealaehcc.org.
FAQ: Personal Statement
What would make for an impressive personal statement?
Short and Long Term Career Goals
Community Service Efforts and Impacts
Explain how you were able to RISE! against a challenging situation in your life.
What are the personal statement parameters?
All personal statements are limited to 2,000 characters.
Award Selection and Notification Process
Selection Process:
Completed applications submitted by the date/time deadline are provided to our selection committee for review.
Notification Process:
An email is sent to all applicants who completed an online application with either an award or denial communication.
Award Use:
All funds awarded must be used for educational expenses such as tuition, fees, and books during the applicable scholarship year.